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Get all transactions of an addresses

Get all transactions of an addresses

Path Parameters
id string — REQUIRED
address string — REQUIRED
Query Parameters
start string
end string
page int
limit int

successful operation

items object[]
timeline_sent_count uint

Count of sent transactions before the current transaction

type string

Possible values: [in, out]

time string

Confirmation time in RFC3339 format

block_height uint

Block number in the blockchain in which this transaction is included

timeline_received_count uint

Count of transactions received before the current transaction

amount uint

Transaction amount

hash string

Transaction hash

timeline_balance uint

Wallet balance to current transaction

out uint32

Absolute Sent amount (fee subtracted).

fee uint

Service fee

create_time string

Confirmation time formatted in RFC3339

pagination object
current_page int
limit int
total_pages int
total uint

Invalid input

code string

Possible values: [invalid, missging field, missing]

message string
details object[]
resource string
code string
field string
description string


code string

Possible values: [invalid, missging field, missing]

message string
details object[]
resource string
code string
field string
description string